Latest Team News...
Tryouts 2025
Premium and scoring/selection protocols for EO and AWC team candidates posted for Tryouts.
2024 Teams Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2024 European Open, 2024 Agility World Championships, 2024 JOAWC & SOAWC, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
Tryouts 2024
Premium and scoring/selection protocols for EO, AWC, and SOAWC team candidates posted for Tryouts.
ATC Seeks Management Team Volunteers
Volunteers sought for several roles on the next two-year term of the ATC Management Team
2023 European Open is a Wrap!
Read the Event Wrap Up for all the ATC news!
2023 EO & AWC Teams Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2023 European Open and 2023 Agility World Championships, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
2023 ATC Tryouts: Ready, Set, Go!
Available now on the FlatOut Dogs / ATS site: 2023 ATC AWC & EO Tryout Applications (all in one entry and team application), 2023 ATC Event FEO Entry Form, and 2023 ATC Tryouts Premium, see Tryouts page for full details.
Intent to Apply Due!
Want to tryout for 2023 EO and/or AWC? Complete your Intent to Apply by January 6, 2023 12:00am EST *Intents received after this date and time will not be accepted. In order to apply for ATC, you must complete the Intent form.
Welcoming ATS as 2023 Tryouts Sponsor!
ATC proud to announce sponsorship by ATS; organizing online tryouts entries, as well as real-time results and a running leader board at Tryouts!
2022 EO & AWC Teams Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2022 European Open and 2022 Agility World Championships, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
EO Application Posted!
Application for the European Open team is now posted, and 2022 EO Team Tryouts entry information is now available.
2021 Tryouts CANCELLED
In response to COVID-19 situation, CKC ATC 2021 Tryouts have been cancelled, please read the Official Statement (en français) and stay tuned for further communication.
CKC ATC thanks all candidates who submitted applications, read Official CKC ATC Statement.
Updated AWC Team Selection
New eligibility criteria and selection protocol, please see the AWC event page for details.
AWC Team Selection
Team Mgmt posted an Update Concerning CKC ATC AWC Team Selection.
In response to COVID-19 situation, CKC ATC Tryouts have been cancelled.
Tryouts and COVID-19
For those traveling to Tryouts in Alberta, please see the COVID-19 Statement from CKC ATC Management Team.
AWC & EO Applications Posted!
Applications for the Agility World Championships and European Open teams are now posted.
A&C Application Posted!
The application for the 2020 Americas & Carribean Championship is now available. Visit the A&C event page for all the info on applying to join Agility Team Canada in Brazil this March!
New Team Management Announced!
Congrats to 2020-2022 CKC ATC Team Leader Sue Miller and Team Assistant Ann Carrington on their new positions! Thank you also to Nicole Brown returning Secretary and Deryl Drysdale returning Treasurer. Linda Barton is the Past Team Leader. Read all about the Management Team for CKC ATC.
Recruiting Announcement for 2020-2022 Mgmt
CKC ATC seeks volunteers for the Management Team, please review the positions available and details on how to apply. The official current job descriptions outline further details of the positions.
AKC Invitational 2019 ATC Announced!
Congratulations to Fable, Arson, and Chica on their selection to represent Canada at the AKC Agility Invitational!
2019 AWC Team
Congrats to all the members of ATC for the 2019 Agility World Championships being held in Finland, Sept 19-22!
Applications for AKC Invitational
The application is now available for the AKC Invitational. One dog from each height category (S/M/L), and of an AKC recognized breed, will be chosen to represent Canada at this event on December 14-15 in Florida.
2019 EO Team Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2019 European Open team, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
EO Application Posted!
Application for the European Open team is now posted, and 2019 EO/AWC Team Tryouts entry information is now available. Application for Agility World Championships team coming soon!
AAO 2019 Team Canada Announced!
Congrats to all the members of ATC for the 2019 American Agility Open heading to Brazil in April!
AAO Application Posted!
The application for the 2019 American Agility Open is now available. Visit the AAO event page for all the info on applying to join Agility Team Canada in Brazil this April!
Team Canada at AWC!
SILVER MEDAL for Jessica Patterson & Lux in Large Individual Jumping!!!! CKC congratulates ATC on the team's performance, read all about it in this CKC The Dish blog post.
AKC Invitational 2018 ATC Announced!
Congratulations to Fable, Arson, and Tuuala on their selection to represent Canada at the AKC Agility Invitational!
Applications for AKC Invitational
The application for the AKC Invitational is now available. One dog from each height category (S/M/L), and of an AKC recognized breed, will be chosen to represent Canada at this event on December 14-16 in Florida.
Changes to Eligibility Criteria for EO Team 2019
CKC ATC team management announces changes to eligibility criteria for the 2019 European Open Team, please see bottom of the EO event page for details.
2018 EO & AWC Teams Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2018 European Open and 2018 Agility World Championships, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
EO/AWC Applications Posted!
Applications for the European Open and Agility World Championships teams are now posted, visit the event pages for all details of the 3-part application process.
A&C 2018 Team Canada Announced!
Congrats to all the members of ATC for the 2018 Americas & Caribbean Championships heading to Argentina in April!
Tryouts entry Posted!
Entry form for the 2018 EO/AWC Team Tryouts is now available.
A&C Application Posted!
The application for the 2018 Americas & Caribbean Championship is now available. Visit the A&C event page for all the info on applying to join Agility Team Canada in Argentina this April!
AKC Invitational 2017 ATC Announced!
Congratulations to Mary DeCarolis with Scully, Anneli Hilton with Arson, and Christina Sanders with Quasi(modo), selected to represent Canada at the prestigious AKC Agility Invitational!
Applications for AKC Invitational
The applications will soon be available for the AKC Invitational. One dog from each height category (S/M/L), and of an AKC recognized breed, will be chosen to represent Canada at this event on December 15-17 in Florida.
Results for Team Canada at EO Italy
Well done, Team Canada! Thank you all for your hard work, for bringing your best to your dogs in and out of the ring, for the support and energy shared with teammates. Our dogs were strong, healthy and happy! This EO was amazing!!! As are each of you. It has been amazing, thank you all. Canadian Results
EO Team Ready
Many thanks to Need Some Sun, 4 My Merles Creations, and PawPrint Pet Tags: the EO team's leashes, crate name plates, and collar tags have all arrived and look amazing, this team is ready for Italy!
2017 EO & AWC Teams Announced
Team members have been announced for the 2017 European Open and 2017 Agility World Championships, congratulations to all those who earned team placements!
CKC Summer Spectacular
July 1-2, 2017 in Barrie, Ontario: 4 all-breed and all-Canadian CKC agility trials, plus the CKC Top 5 Agility Dog Invitational and Steeplechase Finale! premium list
Intent to Apply for EO/AWC lists finalized
Confirm your submission on the Intent to Apply list for EO 2017 and the Intent to Apply list for AWC 2017.
A&C 2017 Team Canada Announced!
Congrats to all the members of ATC for the 2017 Americas & Caribbean Championships!
EO/AWC Applications Posted!
Applications for the European Open and Agility World Championships teams are now posted, visit the event pages for all details of the 3-part application process. EO/AWC Team Tryouts entry form is also now available.
A&C Application Posted!
The application for the 2017 Americas & Caribbean Championship is now available. Visit the A&C event page for all the info on applying to join Subaru Agility Team Canada in Chile this April!
Congrats to SATC on the AKC Invitational!
CKC and Subaru Canada, Inc. congratulate Subaru Agility Team Canada on their great performance at the AKC Agility Invitational! Read the full CKC article here (and in french here).
Help registering a BC with CKC
Team Management and CKC have worked together to provide guidance on registered your border collie with the CKC. Refer to the document here.
Scoring Protocol for 2017 EO & AWC Tryouts
With the goal to select the most competitive dog and handler teams for both EO and the AWC, the selection process for 2017 Tryouts has been posted.
2017-2018 SATC Mgmt Team Announced!
Announcement of the 2017-2018 Management Team! Sincere thanks to all those who applied for a position!
2017 Team Eligibility News
News on eligibility for application to Subaru Agility Team Canada for EO, AWC and A&C 2017 teams, read requirements here
Seeking Management Team Volunteers
The Subaru Agility Team Canada seeks volunteers that are CKC Members and have agility background to work on the Management Team over the next 2017-2018 two-year term... details here
Jumping for Joy over First Gold in Spain!
CKC and Subaru Canada, Inc. are thrilled to announce that Subaru Agility Team Canada has won gold in Large Team Jumping - a first for Canada - at the FCI Agility World Championships in Zaragoza, Spain... read here
AKC Invitational 2016 SATC Announced!
Congratulations to Tiffany Salmon with Chill, Anneli Hilton with Arson, and Debby DaCosta with Krystal, selected to represent Canada at the prestigious AKC Agility Invitational!
CKC and Subaru Canada, Inc. congratulate Subaru Agility Team Canada on a superb performance at EO 2016... read full article here
Call for Applications for AKC Invitational
Applications are now being accepted for the AKC Invitational. One dog from each height category (S/M/L), and of an AKC recognized breed, will be chosen to represent Canada at this event. Deadline for applications is September 7!
Results for Team Canada at EO France
Congratulations to our EO Team: 5 dogs into the Individual Finals, and the first time for Canada to have a 4-dog team in the Team Finals! Check out all the results at the bottom of the EO Event page!
2016 EO & AWC Teams Announced
Team members have been selected for the 2016 European Open and 2016 Agility World Championships, congratulations to all those chosen!
Try-It-Out with Tamás! CKC Fundraiser
Seminars on Wed Apr 27 & Thurs Apr 28, 2016 - Run courses with Tamás! Development opportunity for adolescent dogs on sequences with Tamás! Auditors welcome! Working spots are limited - contact Linda Barton to REGISTER TODAY! Read Tamás' bio here! Thank you Susan Garrett for donating the use of your first-rate facility! Click here for Participant List.
CKC Fundraising Trial
Please join us for 4 CKC All Breed Agility Trials on Friday, Apr 29 at McCann's, a FUNDRAISER for the CKC ATC to support the team travelling to the 2016 FCI World Championships in Spain! Premium here Volunteers are also needed, please contact Chris Krol, Volunteer Coordinator or Linda Barton, Team Leader.
EO/AWC Application Posted!
The ATC application for EO and/or AWC is now available. Visit the EO and AWC event pages for all the info on applying to join Agility Team Canada!
Tryouts Entry Form Posted!
Visit the Tryouts page to download the Official 2016 EO/AWC Tryout entry form, then print/scan/email to Team Leader Linda Barton. Remember due date is April 15th so get yours in today!
A&C 2016 Team Canada Announced!
The 2016 Team for FCI Americas & Caribbean Championships has been announced! Congratulations to Liana Klohn with Flight, Lilianne Geerts with Boris, Dante Camacho with Viviane, and Linda Barton with Soar'n!
Mark your calendar with these 2016 dates!
February: CKC ATC Fundraising Auction, Wed April 27: Try-It-Out with Tamás Tráj, Thurs April 28: Handling seminars by Tamás Tráj, Fri April 29: CKC Fundraising Trial, Sat April 30 - Sun May 1: CKC TRYOUTS for EO & AWC Teams, Fri July 29 - Sun July 31: FCI European Open (EO) Championship, France, Fri Sept 23 - Sun Sept 25: FCI Agility World Championship, Spain
Congratulations Linda Matsubayashi & Mochi!
AKC Invitationals' 2015 Top FCI Small Dog, and Top FCI Overall dog! Mochi ran his T2B and 4 rounds clean, CONGRATULATIONS!